A troubled musical prodigy and a new star pupil embark down a sinister path.
Classification: 18
Bonkers, absolutely bonkers, The Perfection will have your jaw drop at several points as it weaves through its bizarre narrative of jealousy, abuse and revenge. Director Richard Shepard delivers shocks and horror but the editing and the handling of the more mature themes of the story do make the film feel more exploitative than clever. The Perfection wants to be shocking but how it unveils and explains its twists and turns is off-putting and completely distracts from the film. Allison Williams and Logan Browning have good chemistry together and are able to sell the film’s more ridiculous elements for the most part but there is only so much one can do in the face of this kind of screenplay and editing style.
Initially, The Perfection appears aimless, with the first act not really having a clear narrative drive. When the more disturbing elements of the story are introduced it almost becomes comical but then suddenly the first act ending hits you so hard you’ll bolt out of your chair yelling obscenities. That’s where Shepard thrives in his direction, the lulling of the audience into resignation that perhaps the story will just be a standard thriller and even after the initial shocks this direction continues and will just keep you on the edge of your seat. Without going deep into spoilers, The Perfection wants to present itself as a revenge fantasy, that the horror and suffering enacted is in the name of a greater purpose but the film never is able to combine the absurd with the dramatic.
Serious themes and ramifications are prevalent in the reveals of the film but it always feels that The Perfection uses these for shock alone. While having no personal experience with the subject matter, the ending of the film while striking does leave one uncomfortable with how one came to that point. It comes back to the films peculiar execution and how Richard Shepard struggles to find a cohesive balance with the shocking elements and the severe ramifications of the character's history. This lack of balance is clearest in the editing as major plot points are revealed in a “rewind” fashion which grabs the attention of the audience but when all the cards are on the table for the third act it seems inappropriate.
Shocking isn’t bad, and The Perfection while off-putting can be entertaining but its the tonal inconstancies that prevent it from having any lasting effect on its audience. It does have a benefit of some interesting filmmaking at work especially with the cinematography but there’s more working against it. It’s a mixed bag of thrills, shock and gore that delivers on those fronts but at the sacrifice for its story and creating any tangible connection with its characters.
Director: #RichardShepard
Release Date: May 24th 2019
Available Exclusively on Netflix
Written review copyright ©CoreyBullochReviews
Images and Synopsis from the Internet Movie Database
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